Saturday, 24 February 2007

Sky Lights up Pool Party in Sydney

As if on cue at the stroke of 7pm this evening, a loud bang of thunder could be heard followed by strikes of lightning as the dark clouds rolled in over the city of Sydney to signal the commencement of the Mardi Gras Pool Party.

Thankfully my boy and I chose not to attend, lightning and water don't mix at the best of times. With rain now falling I am relieved but feel for the organisers who have introduced the party back into the Mardi Gras festival as a result of a survey.

A full report of the party in the next day or so from my on the ground in the groove party friend Patrick.

Tomorrow afternoon we are going out on a 37foot cruiser with some friends to enjoy the Harbour Party known as Azure.

Weather permitting of course.

This week I will be attending many parties including the Mardi Gras Parade ,a full report on the parade with photos from inside the parade route will be on my blog so keep reading this week for the full scoop.

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