Monday, 19 February 2007

Xposed Men contains published material/s that is suitable for persons over the age of 18 years.

We try our best to provide as accurate of a story as possible. Xposed Men makes no warrant as to the sexual orientation of any person appearing on this website. 

This website is for entertainment purposes only which seek to serve the public interest.The types of images that Xposed Men utilizes includes, but is not limited to:

Images licensed from photographic archive vendors (ie. Getty, WENN, etc.)
Xposed Men or released into the public domain by public relations and marketing companies for press purposes.
Reader-submitted images, with the implied representation that the person submitting the image owns the copyright in the image and the right to give it to us for use on our site.
Images published on Flickr or other public photo sites with licenses granted under Creative Commons, with attribution in accordance with the CC license granted in each case.
Images commissioned by Xposed Men
Images that we believe to be covered by the Fair Use Doctrine, such as: 
Images used to illustrate a newsworthy story, where the image itself is the story
Images used in a transformative manner, such as for parody
Images so widely distributed that they are deemed to have become part of the news.
Thumbnail images of 150×150 pixels or less, cropped or reduced in size from the original source
If you think we have published an image or text that infringes your copyright we will gladly address your concerns.
To file a notice of infringement with us, you must provide a written communication (by email) that includes the specifications described below. We will try to handle any complaints within 10 business days.
For each allegedly infringing image or piece of text that you wish to have removed from one of our sites, provide the exact permanent URL for the page containing the material.
Provide information reasonably sufficient to permit us to contact you that is via email.
Comments Terms of Use:
In order to make our comments useful and interesting, the following guidelines have been established for comment users:
Do not intentionally make false or misleading statements.
Do not offer to sell or buy any product or service.
Do not post material that infringes copyright.
Do not post information that you know to be confidential or sensitive or otherwise in breach of the law.

Xposed Men will not accept responsibility for information posted in the Comments.
Please note that if you are posting comments for the first time comments made will be immediately seen by the public. 
We generally will not delete any comments unless 1) we find it to be unlawful, 2) a cause for imminent harm, 3) demeaning in nature, or 4) in any way seriously degrades another user.

Xposed Men webmaster reserves all rights to delete any comments without notice.

Xposed Men webmaster is not responsible for any content established through third party links. Which means we are not responsible for our advertisers so any complaints regarding ads should be directed towards the respected company. 

Absolutely no link(s) shall exist that participates in the diminishment of transfer bandwidth outside of Xposed Men (i.e. no direct image linking.)

Comments and Communication Services:

Xposed Men offers certain features to let it's users interact within the site such as a commenting scheme. All comments expressed are solely the opinion of the authors and is not endorsed by the webmaster of

Terms of Use Revision Policy:

The terms of use will be periodically updated. By agreeing to this Terms of Use, you are responsible for checking back for any updates. By viewing our website you are assumed to have understood the agreement and its entirety.

Contact Xposed Men:

If you have good news or have some questions/suggestions we would love to hear from you! Just shoot an email to me. 
nick7584 [at] hotmail [dot] com

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