Monday, 25 June 2007

Please HELP for Equality 4 Everyone!!!

Despite a poll conducted showing that 71% of this country support equal rights for same sex couples our leader John fuckwit Coward still won’t budge on the 50+ laws that discriminate against us.

Well here is where you get to put your animosity about inequality under the law into action.

This petition will literally take you a minute to fill in. They’ve logged over 15,000 signatures already, lets blow that figure out of the water.

I know DNA readers can help with this, even if your from Overseas please, please it only takes less than a minute, we must fight together to get our rights.

Thanks so much


Nick said...

I hope a lot more ppl will sign this petition

Nick said...

What a lovely name.. Thanks Nick Yes I hope too, please everyone, support this cause for it is important for our community internationally, not just locally.